Search Result - Awake Spinal Fusion
Awake Spinal Fusion is a minimally invasive procedure that doesn’t require general anesthesia. Instead of a lengthy hospital stay, you’re up and about in just a few hours.
Awake spinal fusion, spine surgery new york, spinal surgery new york, best spine surgeon, best spine surgeon new york, new spine surgery procedures, minimally invasive spine surgery, dr. alok sharan, acdf, laminectomy, discectomy, lumbar fusion, spine surgery without general anesthesia, surgery without general anesthesia, endoscopic spine surgery
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Fall and winter are full of fun things: beautiful weather, escape from the heat, winter sports, snow, holidays, and more. But for people with chronic inflammation or back issues, the colder seasons can also mean more pain. That old, familiar twinge in your back might...

To understand more about the anatomy of your back, who gets back pain, the types of back pain, symptoms, and causes, you need to understand the basics of your spine and the basics of back pain altogether. “Low back pain is a very common complaint for...

You can live a pain-free and active life by carefully researching each spine surgeon in your considered set of options and choosing the best one for your circumstance. Picking a minimally invasive spine surgery specialist based on your research puts you in the driver's seat,...

You get degenerative disk disease when your spine's disks change naturally and cause pain. A spinal disk is like a shock absorber between your vertebrae, and this keeps your back flexible so you can bend and twist. It's normal for them to show signs of wear...

You might not notice a spine condition if you're lucky. But as you age, you should always pay attention if you feel something is wrong. Don't wait if you can't hold your pee or poop, or if your arms or legs feel weak or numb. If...

Because of neck pain, disability-adjusted life years “lost” (DALYs) across the globe increased 41 percent in the 20 years between 1990 and 2010 — from 23.9 million years to 33.6 million years. DALY is the sum of years of potential life lost due to premature...

Serious consideration should be given to what type of back pain you might be having, where it’s originating from, and other questions when choosing between minimally invasive spine surgery versus stretching exercises and physical therapy. Our guide below is just for informational purposes only. If you...

What’s the risk of having back surgery? Given today’s methods and technologies, it’s actually a safe procedure. As long as it's done properly, the risks are minimal. It's much easier to minimize your risks in 2022 and beyond with minimally invasive safe spine surgery techniques. You...

Today, minimally invasive spine surgery — also known as transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) — is more affordable and usually more convenient than open surgical procedures for patients dealing with extreme back and lower-back issues. A TLIF fusion of the spinal vertebra is a surgical procedure...

When it comes to the spine, “stenosis” means narrowing or constriction of the spinal canal, which contains the spinal cord and nerves. Thankfully, your lower back is more forgiving of neurologic compression than cervical or thoracic regions, which are your upper-back and neck areas. Unfortunately,...